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Selectmen's Minutes September 23, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
 September 23, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads    
PRESENT: Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio, Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Road Agent David Kenneally and Building Inspector David Paveglio   

PD – Thursday is scheduled for the flyover in the helicopter.  Pat will try to get photos of all the town buildings for the Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Preliminary estimates for his budget proposal for 2004 shows an 8% increase.  Pat informed the Board about a Special Revenue Fund he learned about while attending the recent budgeting workshop in Bedford with Lisa.  He would like to establish this next year for Police Details and possibly grants.  He will advise the Board further into the budget process for next year.  

Bldg. Inspector -   Dave asked the Board if they had reached any decision regarding the Wetlands Letter being sent to residents of Connemara Drive by Mr. Mullaney.  The Board has asked the Planning Board for their opinion and is awaiting correspondence from them.   The Board approved the purchase of a phone card for the building inspector’s use.  The seminar on the new building code was cancelled.  There are only seven (7) (new homes) building permits left for next year.

FD – Deputy Paveglio asked the Board what the procedure was for drafting a town ordinance.  He would like to establish a Knoxbox Ordinance for all town businesses.  The Selectman gave their approval for Mr. Paveglio to work on one.    

Someone has removed the “No Parking” signs from in front of the cistern on Connemara Drive.  The Board instructed the Road Agent to go look at the sign at the cistern on Harvest Road and have one like it made and installed on Connemara Drive.

HYW -  The Department is still working on up righting road signs and ditching culverts.  The Road Agent would like the Selectmen to review the material he left them regarding the purchase of a one ton vehicle for next year.  

The generator at the shed is being hooked up.  

David is working on general guidelines for drivers wishing to plow snow for the town.  He will write something up and review it with the Board.  

SUBJECT – Conservation Commission

Present : Chairman Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews and Deb Soule

The commission updated the Board on their recent activities including the Public Hearing regarding the easement for expanding  a snowmobile trail for NH SnowDawgs.  The Natural Resource Inventory is now complete.  Jeff presented a complete copy of the study to the Selectmen.  This includes a CD-Rom of the data for further copying.  This will run on “Archview” software.

The commission has been working on an updated management plan for the Sanborn/Cray property with consideration given to recommendations from Madeline Sanborn.  

Lisa passed along the new appraisal for the Shaw property.  The Selectmen gave their approval for the commission to take the next step and open a dialogue with the Shaw brothers.  It is the desire of the group to recommend the purchase of this piece of property  for the town.  The commission will work on drafting a warrant article for the Selectmen’s review.  

The survey for Carpenter Park was researched.  Mr. Mann spoke with Mr. Jenk’s widow as to the status of the project.  He was told the data remains in storage and once the town pays the bill, that information, however complete would be turned over to the town. The commission has no knowledge of receiving any bill for service for this project.  This is not a recent expenditure.  At this point the Board of Selectmen and the commission concurred that the work should start over and doing some deed research would be the first step.  

DRA – Revaluation Report
Present: David Hynes, CNHA- Appraiser Supervisor  

Mr. Hynes  gave his findings on the revaluation work to date.  He will forward his report in writing.  The data collection falls within the standards.  

Mr. Hynes recommended the Board give thought to raising the exemption limits so that the elderly are not adversely affected by the increase in property value. The exemption amount should stay in line with the property value.   This is usually done the year prior to a full revaluation.  

Based on the Supreme Court decision of Surreal V. State of NH, every five (5) years communities have to bring the market value back up to one hundred (100) percent.  The Board of Selectmen should put a plan together for a Data Verification Program.  “The Inventory of Taxable Property forms have gone the way of the dinosaur.”

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A comprehensive plan should include an in-house measure and list, a verification of sales data, look at the size of the town and breakout a five (5) year cycle, updating one fifth(1/5) of the town each year.  The changes take place immediately and your data is always being updated and it’s integrity is maintained.  Whenever possible, Mr. Hynes believes it best to have an in- house person doing the work if the town has a qualified individual on staff.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to stop sending the annual Property Inventory Forms.  All were in favor.  Lisa will forward a letter to DRA before October 1st per statute, notifying them of the town’s decision.  Mr. Hynes will let the department know to expect it.  The Board will work on putting an updating  plan in place.

SUBJECT: Community Building
PRESENT: Mrs. Hammen

Mrs. Hammen discussed several concerns raised by the Historical Society should they be responsible for scheduling and maintaining the entire Community Building.  The Selectmen would like the Society to be responsible for the scheduling of use of the community room.  Mrs. Hammen asked if it should be used by town organizations and residents only.  Several maintenance questions were asked and the Board gave Mrs. Hammen authority to call the service groups and have the septic pumped and the furnace cleaned.  The Society was concerned about insurance coverage.  Individual members would not be liable, coverage is handled through the town.  Lisa will forward expense information to Mrs. Hammen and assist with next year’s budget if need be.  Mrs. Hammen will discuss matters with the other society members and report back to the selectmen.  Selectman Arey apologized for the lack of written communication from the Board.  

PRESENT: Mr. Chuck Scheys

Mr. Scheys had a question pertaining to a building project’s proximity to his pond.  The Board referred him to the Planning Board.  

General Business/Board Discussion -

The Board reviewed mail and e-mail.

The minutes of September 16th were approved as written.

The payroll and accounts payable were signed.

A zoning violation report was received.  The Board directed Lisa to inquire with the Planning Board for any approvals/permits  held on the property and follow up with the person addressing the complaint.

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The Hess Station has toned down the signage, but is still not in compliance.  Further discussion/action will need to be taken on this issue.

Lisa requested the Board move the budget submittal deadline back a month.  This will allow the office further time to consolidate the data conversion and make any necessary adjustments before forwarding the data to the department heads for their review.  The Board agreed to move back the date.  Lisa will notify the department heads and the budget committee.  Lisa will work out a schedule for the Boards review.  

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey


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